Friday, May 28, 2010

Finally... Photos From The 2010 Long Island Kidney Walk

Hi everyone... yes, finally I have posted some photos of this year's Kidney Walk... I arranged the photos into a slideshow video but there was some technical difficulties with Google and Blogger with getting videos uploaded to the Blog... things have been fixed, at least for now... if there seems to be any future problems with the slideshow, I will repost the photos individually... I hope you enjoy the images... as you will see, it was a really fun day for everyone...

I am also providing a link to where I have the same photos from the slideshow stored online at my picasa web album... this is because the quality of the photos in the slideshow seem a bit diminished... I guess this comes from the video processing done by Google... the quality of the pre-processed photos are better and you can see them at a larger size... Here is the link below:

by KMJ & Jody Gardener-Jones

1 comment:

Cathy Heed said...

Great job with the photos!